Miguel A Valladares | mav4n@virginia.edu
Lucie Stylianopoulos | lucie@virginia.edu
Sherri Brown | slb4kt@virginia.edu
Katrina Spencer | kls9wv@virginia.edu
Email sent February 18, 2021 Caribbean Collection and Indigenous Studies : A COVID-19 response from the library. We are asking for your collaboration!!! Hello all. All our hope that you, your family, and friends are well and healthy.
This email contains information on an initiative designed to palliate the consequences of COVID-19 in our regular library acquisition process for collections that can be pivotal in your research and teaching activities. We are asking for your sincere collaboration, and your direct feedback to acquire the materials we are introducing here is essential. We consider this action extremely important. Although our library resumed buying books in print last October 2020, there are specific regions that still are totally disrupted leaving us with almost no possibility of acquiring any book. In response to the crisis, we have received special support from the Library and the Center for Global Inquiry & Innovation (CGII) to concentrate our efforts in a geographical area of central interest for many UVA scholars and students: The Great Caribbean Region, of which we are covering all subjects but with special attention to the related subject for Indigenous Studies. In this email you will find a link where you can access various lists containing more than 1,000 recent books; you can select the titles you think will be important to have in our collection. You simply need to mark with an X (or include your UVA computer ID if you want notification of the arrival of the requested title) near the title under the Select column.
We have created a web site with complete full information about this initiative and every title included in the lists. To facilitate the website navigation, we have organized all the information by country of publication.
You have until April 15 to mark titles included in this list. Please visit the following website https://guides.lib.virginia.edu/collaborativecaribbeancollection/
Let us know if you have any feedback or questions about this initiative by sending an email to: Sincerely Miguel on behalf of the entire group
Miguel A Valladares | mav4n@virginia.edu, Research Librarian for Latin American Studies, |