Through the Library you have access to a wealth of electronic resources, only a fraction of which are findable through Virgo. You can search any of the many databases available. But this guide will also introduce you to ways that you can search the external web, using Google Scholar or simply searching a publisher's journal website for a particular article to get instant access to the article if UVA subscribes, or to submit a pre-populated ILL request form if we don't.
To see a complete list of available Mathematics databases, click on the Find Articles tab above.
To search for books about Mathematics, click on the Find Books tab above.
You can access additional kinds of information relating to Mathematics using the other tabs above.
Everyone with a email address is entitled to a free Pro account on the Overleaf platform, which is designed for collaborative editing of LaTeX documents. You no longer need to keep an installation of LaTeX up-to-date locally, just use Overleaf.
Every researcher should have an ORCID iD. These are free, portable, unique identifiers which allow you to unambiguously associate all of your research products with each other. Most publishers and funding agencies require the use of an ORCID, but most researchers don't take full advantage of their ORCID, which can serve as a self-updating CV, if properly set up. As one example of the possibilities, you can view Ricky's ORCID profile.