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Library resources for the Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics

Essential Resources

Gallup Analytics  Online platform that provides subscribers with access to nearly a century of U.S. data and a decade of global tracking data known as the Gallup World Poll.

iPoll  Contains nearly a half-million questions from surveys conducted since 1935 by academic, commercial, and media survey organizations, including CNN, Gallup, AP, the Wall Street Journal, and many others.

Polling the Nations  Text of and responses to over 35,000 survey questions from over 14,000 polls taken in the US and 80 other countries since 1986.

General Social Survey  The GSS gathers data on contemporary American society in order to monitor and explain trends and constants in attitudes, behaviors, and attributes. Hundreds of trends have been tracked since 1972. In addition, since the GSS adopted questions from earlier surveys, trends can be followed for up to 70 years.

Popular Topics

  • Gallup Analytics  Gallup Analytics is an online platform that provides subscribers with access to nearly a century of U.S. data and a decade of global tracking data known as the Gallup World Poll.
  • American National Election Studies  [1948 - Present] The mission of the American National Election Studies (ANES) is to inform explanations of election outcomes by providing data that support rich hypothesis testing, maximize methodological excellence, measure many variables, and promote comparisons across people, contexts, and time. Available to download to SPSS or Stata.
  • National Annenberg Election Survey  The National Annenberg Election Survey (NAES) examines a wide range of political attitudes about candidates, issues and the traits Americans want in a president. It also has a particular emphasis on the effects of media exposure through campaign commercials and news from radio, television and newspapers. Additionally, it measures the effects of other kinds of political communication, from conversations at home and on the job to various efforts by campaigns to influence potential voters.
  • Cooperative Congressional Election Study  Starting in 2006, a consortium of 39 universities came together to create the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, the first truly large-scale academic survey project aimed at studying the midterm Congressional elections. The study has continued every year since. Our joint efforts have produced national sample surveys in excess of 50,000 respondents in every federal election since.
  • Census Bureau Voting and Registration  In election years, the Current Population Survey collects data on reported voting and registration, and later reports stats by turnout, age, race and origin.
  • RealClear Politics  Find both individual polls and aggregate polling information; includes general and midterm; presidential, house & senate, and gubernatorial 2016 - 2004.
  • iPoll  iPOLL contains nearly a half-million questions from surveys conducted since 1935 by academic, commercial, and media survey organizations, including CNN, Gallup, AP, the Wall Street Journal, and many others.
  • General Social Survey  The GSS gathers data on contemporary American society in order to monitor and explain trends and constants in attitudes, behaviors, and attributes. Hundreds of trends have been tracked since 1972. In addition, since the GSS adopted questions from earlier surveys, trends can be followed for up to 70 years.
  • RealClear Politics  Find both individual polls and aggregate polling information; includes general and midterm; presidential, house & senate, and gubernatorial 2016 - 2004.