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Library resources for the Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics

Security Studies

  • Digital National Security Archive  Over 35,000 declassified documents used in foreign policy decision-making by the U.S. government. Includes some photographs. These documents have been gathered since 1985 through the use of the Freedom of Information Act by the National Security Archive.
  • Military & Government Collection  Magazines and academic journals providing news about defense issues for all branches of the armed services, army, air force, navy, marines. Also includes country reports and relevant government and international documents.
  • Historical Abstracts  Find articles about the history of the world from 1450 to the present, published in over 2,000 journals from many countries. Includes book reviews. Does not include articles about the US or Canada. For these see America: History & Life.
  • America History & Life (1964-present)  Covers the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to present with records from 2,000 English-language journals published worldwide. Includes book reviews.
  • Foreign Relations of the U.S.  FRUS comprises secret and confidential communications of the US government and US diplomats which are only released after a period of about 25 years. Selected volumes of FRUS (1861-1958/1960) have been digitized by the University of Wisconsin.  Print volumes in 3New Stacks - S 1.1:year/volume

ICPSR  The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) provides a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction. Users may view documentation, download raw data, and search a bibliography of data-related literature.

Selected ICPSR Data:

Correlates of War Project: Militarized Interstate Dispute (MID) Data, 1816-2001 

International Military Alliance Data, 1920-1957 

International Military Intervention, 1946-1988 

International Military Intervention, 1989-2005