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SOC 3470: Sociology of Development

A resource guide for students in SOC 3470 Sociology of Development

Start Your Research with The Basics

Focus on Peer Reviewed Articles

Databases are really great when you want to find something specific to your discipline, or you want to be sure that you are getting the best resources available!  These are your best bets for development studies.

Here are tips for using databases:

  • Remember that if you are off-grounds when you want to access these databases, be sure to go through a library website so you are prompted for your NetBadge computing ID.  You will then be able to view the articles without having to pay for them.
  • Use the the "Find @ UVA" button to get the full text.
  • Limit your search results to "peer-reviewed" articles to get articles evaluated by experts.

ASA Style and Citation

Consider these journals

These journals are directly related to the social sciences and women/gender.  You can search inside these journals.  Look for a link or a search box that says something like "search within this journal" to search only that journal (not the full database).  You can get really nice results this way!  
