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French Studies

Provides annotated links to scholarly resources of particular interest to students & faculty researching at U.Va.

Translation Studies

Translation Studies
Language and Literature Databases
General Databases including useful information
Theory and perspectives


Selective list of books on French Translation Studies present in our library


Here we provide you with a selective list of material found in our library. In order to discover all material on French Translation Studies, you will have to carry out broader searches on our library catalog: Virgo..

If you want to discover books published but not present in our library, you can perform searches in Worldcat using the same subjects included here.

List of Library of Congress related subjects:

French language -- Translating.
Translating and interpreting AND French
French language -- Translating into English
English language -- Translating into French.
Language and culture -- France

English language
If you need to find more English language resources, please consult : The English language and literature Subject guide _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Language reference