Mental Measurements Yearbook Database
Contains full text information about and reviews of all English-language standardized tests covering educational skills, personality, vocational aptitude, psychology, and related areas. For each test, the database provides the name of the test author, publication information, scoring information, and the number of the Mental Measurements Yearbook in which the test was described originally. The full text for each record includes reliability and validity, an overview of the test, a description of the test materials and time needed, and one or more reviews of the test.
This test collection contains descriptions of over 25,000 tests and research instruments from the early 1900s to the present. The tests in this collection were acquired from a variety of U.S. publishers and individual test authors. Foreign tests are also included in the collection, including some from Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. The test descriptions may indicate where information on a particular test's reliability and validity may be found, but as a general rule, the descriptions do not contain the acutal reviews. The microfiche ETS test collection is located in Shannon Library in Government Information at the 3rd floor information desk.
Using the Advanced search option you can search the ETS Test collection by the name of the test, topic (all fields/keyword search), author, subject, publisher, year, call number (Test Collection accesion number), order information, and abstract . ERIC descriptors are used in the subject fields. The records in ETS describe the instruments and provide availability information. In some cases, Shannon Library has copies of some of these test instruments (test, scale, questionnaire, inventories, etc.) on ETS microfiche. Be sure to write down the ETS Call Number, for example: TC922000, so a library staff person can obtain the microfiche. If we don't have the item on microfiche, check with a reference staff member to ascertain a test's availability through another avenue.
Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences: Tests available in Compilation Volumes
This resource indexes tests available in test compilation volumes (books and other items indexing tests). The test itself or just test information may be available depending on the resource. The site was developed by Helen Hough, Health Sciences Librarian, University of Texas at Arlington.
Health & Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI) Database
This database provides access to information on measurement instruments (i.e., questionnaires, checklists, scales, etc.) in the health fields, psychosocial sciences, organizational behavior, and library and information science. Information about obtaining the instruments is provided in the "abstract" section of the record.
Availability of Tests, Scales, and Inventories
Researchers can attempt to find copies of test instruments such as scales, tests, surveys, etc. in a variety of ways. Some test instruments can be purchased such as the tests listed in the database, Mental Measurements Yearbook . Others can be found on the web, in journal articles, dissertations, on microfiche, etc. In some cases students who want to obtain copies of a test should speak with their advisor as they or the research group with which they are affiliated may have a copy of a test. In some cases, publishers will provide copies of tests for research purposes. This generally involves writing a letter to them explaining why you want a copy. Addresses for test publishers can be found in a variety of books or databases including: Mental Measurements Yearbook (online version and print version), Test Critiques, Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessment in Psychology, Education, and Business and the ETS Test Collection. In some cases, the only way to procure a test is to contact the author of the instrument.
Finding Copies of Tests on the Web using Google
Use Google to try and locate a copy of a testing instrument. The test may be on the web page Google locates or named in an article reference on the web site. We recommend that you enter the name of the test instrument in quotation marks, for example:
"keirsey temperament sorter"
Also try variations of the test name should it not appear the first time you search. For example, tests are often referred to by the author's name although in reality the test's title does NOT include the author's name.Finding Testing Instruments in Dissertations
Some authors of dissertations indicate in their abstract which testing instrument(s) they used. If you search for a particular test by name in the database, Dissertations and Theses Full Text , you will retrieve citations of dissertations that included the name of the testing instrument in the abstract. If the author has included a copy of the testing instrument, in most cases, the instrument will be located in the Appendix of the dissertation. Dissertations in the Dissertations and Theses Full Text database are full-text from 1997. From 1861-1996 you will find a citation and abstract or in some cases, the full text. If you want full text and only the citation and abstract are provided, submit an interlibrary loan request and the Library will try to obtain a print copy of the dissertation for you.
Finding Test Information or Copies of Test Instruments in Databases
Periodical databases are a good source of test information. Research studies using particular tests, scales or inventories with descriptive or critical comments are published in many periodicals. Sometimes sample questions from an instrument or a copy of a survey or an inventory will be included in an article. (Published tests will not normally be included.)
For example, click on the "Databases" link on the VIRGO search page to access articles from the Education Full Text, PsycInfo or ERIC databases. Use keyword searching.
The truncation or wildcard symbol is a question mark (?). This would retrieve variations of the word. For example: bibliograph? would retrieve bibliography, bibliographies, bibliographical, etc.
For example:
gifted and test?
iowa tests basic skills
gifted and (inventor? or survey? or test?)
This later search retrieves articles on inventories, surveys or tests pertaining to the gifted.
You can always search for the title of a particular test in almost any online database, although this will lead you to articles and documents that may talk about using a measure without actually providing the instrument itself.
To actually find articles with measures included, add the keyword appended to your search. Start by searching PsycINFO to find the names of tests that have been used in research and written about in the literature. Test names appear in both the Abstract field and the Tests & Measures field. If the document includes the actual test in its entirety, it is marked "Appended" in the Tests & Measures field. APA's Science Directorate is a good source for general information about psychological tests and test publishers. Visit their Testing and Assessment page, which includes a link to frequently asked questions about tests.
Example: parent* and stress and appendedPsycInfo also has a Tests & Measures field where you can specify the name of a test or other keyword to find articles that use a test in the methodology or where the test is being discussed. This is a good way to find information about tests and their use, but not the tests themselves. One way to do this type of search:
change the drop down menu option to the right of the text box to Tests & Measures
put the name of a test or a keyword into the text box, e.g. parent* and stress
Psychological & Behavioral Sciences Collection
All the full-text journal titles available in the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences database are also indexed in PsycInfo, which gives more information about whether or not a test/instrument is included (see above). But if you want to start your search here, some subject headings of interest:
Educational tests & measurements
Psychological tests
Intelligence tests
Many characteristics are used as subject headings with the subheading testing, for example, frustration - testing
Do a "Subject" search for psychological tests and look at the related terms to get a list.
Select Research Instrument from the "Publication Type" box in the "limit" section and put in appropriate subject or keywords.
Example: use parent* and stress for a search with this limit set.ERIC
Ebsco: You can select Tests/Evaluation Instruments from the "Publication Type" limiter for a keyword or subject search
ProQuest: Go to Advanced Search and type either the number 160 or the phrase tests questionnaires in the box with "Publication Type" selected.
Useful MESH headings include:
Psychological tests
Process assessment (health care)
Outcome and process assessment (health care)
Aptitude tests
Language tests
Neuropsychological tests
Personality tests
Might also try evaluation studies as an "article type" limit
Sociological Abstracts
Useful thesaurus terms might be:
Attitude measures
Interview schedules
Items (measures)
Mail surveys
Measures (instruments)
Personality measures
Finding Copies of Test Instruments on Microfiche: The Tests in Microfiche Collection
The U.Va. Library subscribed to a set called "Tests in Microfiche", a source for more than 800 unpublished research instruments pertaining to a wide range of subject areas. This collection provides a copy of the test. However, the user should note these are unpublished test instruments and, in most if not all cases, the test instrument has not been proven valid or reliable. This does not indicate that it is not valid or reliable: merely that no one has tested it for reliability or validity, thus, the researcher in most cases would need to do this before using the test. You can use the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Test Collection database to find tests from this collection. The print index to "Tests in Microfiche" is located on the Education Test Instrument area of the reference books in the Curry Library Innovation Commons [CLIC]. The call number is LB 3051.E792. The microfiche are located in Shannon Library. ETS Test Collection Guide (PDF)
Other Resources for Locating Testing Instruments
Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences: Tests available in compilation volumes
These listings were compiled by Helen Hough, Health Sciences Librarian, University of Texas at Arlington.SDSU Test Finder for Books
This is an index of books that includes test instruments. This index was created by Mark Stover, Head of Reference Services, San Diego State University Library. Mr. Stover notes that approximately 25% of the material in the SDSU Test Finder was adapted from Helen Hough's work and is used with permission.SDSU Test Finder for Journal Articles
This tool is still in development by Mr. Stover, but it may be useful. The resource indexes complete tests and instruments found in journal articles. The index includes journals from the areas of psychology, nursing, social work, sociology, education, communication, and management.
FAQs About Finding Psychological Tests
The American Psychological Association Science Directorate answers hundreds of calls and emails each year from persons trying to locate the right test or find more information about psychological tests. APA neither sells nor endorses testing instruments, but it does provide guidance in using available resources to find psychological tests. Answers to frequently asked questions are provided here.
The Scholars' Lab provides access to the University's collection of electronic statistical and social science data. The majority of resources are available on-line, but due to server space restrictions and/or licensing requirements, some electronic data are available only on CDs or DVDs. Regardless of format, all of our resources are classified in the system below, and those items available only to the U.Va. community are noted as such. If you cannot find what you are looking for, visit us in Shannon or contact us, and we will try to locate the data you need. The Scholar's Lab also has software such as SPSS installed on computers in the center and staff can provide assistance.
The Curry Library Innovation Commons, also maintains a list of available data sets.
Descriptive Information and Test Reviews
The books listed below provide descriptive information about various test and how they may be obtained. In some cases, the actual assessment materials may be provided. The books are primarily located in the Ivy Stacks storage library. Books located in Ivy Stacks must be requested through Interlibrary Services by clicking on the "Request Item from Ivy" link in the VIRGO record.
The locations for books not in Ivy are provided and the books are shelved by call number unless otherwise noted.
Academic Achievement and Aptitude Testing
Austin, TX: Pro-ed, 1989.
Ivy LB 3060.3 .A26 1989
Assessment in Gifted Education
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1981.
Ivy LC 3993.2 .K37
Assessing Sport Skills
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1993.
Ivy GV 436.5 .S87 1993
Assessing the Learning Disabled: Selected Instruments
Novato, CA: Academic Therapy Publications, 1981.
Ivy LC 4704 .M38 1981
Business and Industry Testing
Austin, TX: Pro-ed, 1990.
Ivy HF 5549.5 .E5 H635 1990
Comprehensive Guide to Sports Skills Tests and Measurement
Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1978
Ivy GV 436 .C58
A Consumer's Guide to Tests in Print (2nd ed.).
Austin, TX: Pro-ed, 1992.
Ivy LB 3060.32 .N67 H36 1992
Dictionary of Behavioral Assessment Techniques
Clinton Corners, New York: Percheron Press, 2002
A reprint of the 1988 edition with a new preface by the editors. A quick reference guide for researchers and clinicians on assessment devices used in widely diverse problems and disorders in children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Each of the over 200 entries of behavioral assessment techniques includes a section on description, purpose, development, psychometric characteristics, clinical use, future directions and references. Includes an author index and a user's guide arranged by focus of assessment, the title of the assessment device and the assessment modality.
Ivy BF 176.5 .D53
Directory of Psychological Tests in the Sport and Exercise Sciences
Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, Inc., 1990.
Ivy BF 176 .D57 1990
Directory of Test Collections in Academic, Professional, and Research Libraries
Chicago: ACRL, 2001
Ivy LB 3051 .D564
Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measures (7 volumes)
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1997.
(The index for these volumes is located in the test area as well. The call number is BF431 .J29)
Ivy BF 431 .D48
Educator's Handbook on Effective Testing
Institute for Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Education, Inc. (EDIE), 2003.
This publication provides thorough overviews of tests used in education. It is a perfect companion to Mental Measurements Yearbook and Test Critiques.
CLIC Handbook Area LB 3051 .E395
Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers:, 1975.
Shannon Library BF 176 .D57 1990
The ETS Test Collection Catalog
Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1986-.
Shannon Library, 3rd Floor Central Reading Room LB 3051 .E79 1992
Handbook of Tests and Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences
Lancaster, PA: Technomic, 2000
Ivy LB 3051 .L4543
Handbook of Tests and Measurements for Black Populations (2 volumes)
Hampton Va: Cobb & Henry Publishers, 1996-.
Ivy BF 176 .H37
Index to Test Used in Educational Dissertations
Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1989.
Ivy LB 3051 .F3 1989
Kirby's Guide to Fitness and Motor Performance Tests
Cape Girardeau, MO: Ben Oak Publishing Company, 1991.
Ivy QP 301 .K55 1991
Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes
Brown Science and Engineering Library Ref. BF 698.4 M38 1991
Entries include description, variables measured, sample, reliability, validity, and source. Many scales are reproduced in their entirety
Mental Measurement Yearbook
Descriptive information, critical reviews, and list of references are provided in the entries of commercially published English language tests. Editions are intended to supplement each other; succeeding volumes include only new or substantially revised tests. The MMY database which is online has an index for all tests. For those who aren't affiliated with U.Va. and can't access the MMY database, you can access an index to MMY called the Mental Measurements Yearbook Test Reviews On-line. This web site provides desciptive information, but does not include the review found in the online database, Mental Measurements Yearbook.
Sex and Gender Issues: A Handbook of Tests and Measures
New York: Greenwood Press, 1990.
Ivy: BF 692 .B38 1990
Sourcebook of Nonverbal Measures: Going Beyond Words
Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005
Brown Science and Engineering Library P99.5 .S58 2005
Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies
New York: Plenum Press, 1995
Ivy: RC 473 .P78 S38
Special Education and Rehabilitation Testing
Austin, TX: Pro-ed, 1988.
Ivy LC 4019 .S585 1988
Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
Washington, D.C,: American Educational Research Association, 1999
Ivy LB 3051 .A693 (Developed jointly by the APA, the American Educational Research Association, and the National Council of Measurements in Education, these standards can be used by test authors, publishers, and users.)
Test Critiques
Kansas City, MO: Test Corporation of America, 1984-.
Ivy BF 176 .T419 1984
Descriptive information, critical reviews, and list of references are provided in the entries of commercially published English language tests. All volumes have an index. A cumulative index is always published in each new volume.
Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessment in Psychology, Education, and Business
Austin, TX: pro-ed, 2008.
Ivy BF 176 .T43 2008
ETS Tests on Microfiche Index
Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 1975-
Shannon Library LB 3051.E792
You can use the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Test Collection database to find tests from this collection. The microfiche test collection itself is located at Shannon Library.
Measures for Clinical Practice ( 2 volumes)
New York, Free Press
Ivy BF 176 .C66 2000 and 2007
A collection of actual instruments, specifically selected because they measure the most common problems seen in clinical practice.
*Tests in Print
Lincoln, NE, Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, 1961-2004.
Ivy Z 5814 .E9 B8
* Tests in Print IV and MMY 12 serve as a complete index for MMY 1-12 for all tests still in print. Test in Print I-III indexes various volumes of MMY 1-8 and may refer to tests out of print. For most practical purposes use TIP IV and MMY 12.
Z 5814 .E9 B8
Title Index for the Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measurements: Volumes 1-7
Martin Jamison; Chicago:Association of College and Research Libraries, 2001.
Ivy BF431 .J29
Information About Tests, Scales, and Inventories in Books
Access the online catalog, VIRGO and perform a subject search using one of the subject headings:
educational tests and measures intelligence tests
reading ability testing
mathematical ability testing
ability testing
scholastic aptitude test
psychological tests for children
criterion referenced tests
personality tests
woodcock johnson tests of cognitive ability
or Use keyword searching.
test? and mathematics
test? and personality
Background Information About Tests, Scales, and Inventories
Title: Dictionary of Behavioral Assessment Techniques
Shannon Library: BF 176.5 .D53 2002
Critical, evaluative essays, averaging three pages in length, on measurement techniques and measurement tools. Essays include description and purpose, development and psychometric characteristics, clinical use, future directions, and list of references.
Title: Educational Research Methodology and Measurement: An International Handbook
CLIC Education Handbook area: LB 1028 .E3184
Description: Presents an overview of the methods used in educational research. An excellent resource for definitions, examples, and descriptions of all types of research.
Title: Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation
Shannon Library: LB 2823 .A65
Description: Concise explanation of research terminology and concepts in testing and measurements.
Title: Encyclopedia of Educational Research
Shannon Library: LB 15 .E48
Description: Authoritative articles with bibliographies on testing and measurements.
Title: ETS Handbook of Tests and Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences
Shannon Library: LB 3051 .L4543
Description: Provides psychometric information about instruments, bibliographic references related to the instrument, and the actual instrument!
Title: International Encyclopedia of Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Neurology
Ivy Stacks: RC 333. I573
Description: Authoritative source of 1,800 signed articles that provide authoritative and comprehensive information in most areas of psychology.