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Mental Measurements Yearbook Database: Commercial Tests With a Fee

What type of tests are in the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) database? Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) database provides information on standardized, commercial tests. In addition MMY provides a review of the test instrument, information about reliability and validity, addresses for the various test publishers, and more.

If you find a test in MMY, how can you get a copy of the test? All tests in the database have an associated fee. You can, therefore, purchase them directly from the publisher. However, a student may be able to obtain a copy by checking with his adviser or the research lab or center with which he is affiliated as one of them may have a copy of a test or know of a similar test that is preferred. Also, publishers may be willing to provide a copy of a test for you to preview before purchase, or the publisher may provide a free copy of the test for research purposes. This generally involves writing a letter to the publisher. Check with your adviser.


Tips for Searching Mental Measurements Yearbook

To search for a test 

  • If you know the name of the test, type in the name, for example,  Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
  • If you know the acronym, type in the acronym, for example, MMPI. However, the title is often better to use.
  • If you know the author of the test, for example, James N. Butcher
  • If you know the publisher of the test, for exampel, University of Minnesota

Limit your search

  • by test category
  • by type of administration (e.g., group or individual)
  • by publication date
  • by which yearbook it appeared in (online coverage begins with the 9th edition of the yearbook (1985))
  • by number of reviews

Other Ways to Search

  • Purpose field—keyword search for the purpose described in the record.
  • Population field—keyword search for the population for whom the test is intended, such things as age, grade level, gender, functioning level, behavioral characteristics, etc.
  • Levels field— Performs a keyword search for a records description of various levels available for the test. For example, a test with five different levels would be designated: 5: grades K-3, 4-8, 7-10, 9-14, adults.