The books listed below provide descriptive information about various test and how they may be obtained. In some cases, the actual assessment materials may be provided. The books are primarily located in the Ivy Stacks storage library. Books located in Ivy Stacks must be requested through Interlibrary Services by clicking on the "Request Item from Ivy" link in the VIRGO record.
The locations for books not in Ivy are provided and the books are shelved by call number unless otherwise noted.
Academic Achievement and Aptitude Testing
Austin, TX: Pro-ed, 1989.
LB 3060.3 .A26 1989
Assessment in Gifted Education
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1981.
LC 3993.2 .K37
Assessing Sport Skills
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1993.
GV 436.5 .S87 1993
Assessing the Learning Disabled: Selected Instruments
Novato, CA: Academic Therapy Publications, 1981.
LC 4704 .M38 1981
Business and Industry Testing
Austin, TX: Pro-ed, 1990.
HF 5549.5 .E5 H635 1990
Comprehensive Guide to Sports Skills Tests and Measurement
Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1978
GV 436 .C58
A Consumer's Guide to Tests in Print (2nd ed.).
Austin, TX: Pro-ed, 1992.
LB 3060.32 .N67 H36 1992
Dictionary of Behavioral Assessment Techniques
Clinton Corners, New York: Percheron Press, 2002
A reprint of the 1988 edition with a new preface by the editors. A quick reference guide for researchers and clinicians on assessment devices used in widely diverse problems and disorders in children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Each of the over 200 entries of behavioral assessment techniques includes a section on description, purpose, development, psychometric characteristics, clinical use, future directions and references. Includes an author index and a user's guide arranged by focus of assessment, the title of the assessment device and the assessment modality.
BF 176.5 .D53
Directory of Psychological Tests in the Sport and Exercise Sciences
Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, Inc., 1990.
BF 176 .D57 1990
Directory of Test Collections in Academic, Professional, and Research Libraries
Chicago: ACRL, 2001
LB 3051 .D564
Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measures (7 volumes)
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1997.
(The index for these volumes is located in the test area as well. The call number is BF431 .J29)
BF 431 .D48
Educator's Handbook on Effective Testing
Institute for Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Education, Inc. (EDIE), 2003.
This publication provides thorough overviews of tests used in education. It is a perfect companion to Mental Measurements Yearbook and Test Critiques.
Ruffner Hall, Room 302 LB 3051 .E395
Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers:, 1975.
Shannon Library BF 176 .D57 1990
The ETS Test Collection Catalog
Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1986-.
Shannon Library, 3rd Floor Central Reading Room LB 3051 .E79 1992
Handbook of Tests and Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences
Lancaster, PA: Technomic, 2000
LB 3051 .L4543
Handbook of Tests and Measurements for Black Populations (2 volumes)
Hampton Va: Cobb & Henry Publishers, 1996-.
BF 176 .H37
Index to Test Used in Educational Dissertations
Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1989.
LB 3051 .F3 1989
Kirby's Guide to Fitness and Motor Performance Tests
Cape Girardeau, MO: Ben Oak Publishing Company, 1991.
QP 301 .K55 1991
Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes
Brown Science and Engineering Library Ref. BF 698.4 M38 1991
Entries include description, variables measured, sample, reliability, validity, and source. Many scales are reproduced in their entirety
Mental Measurement Yearbook
Descriptive information, critical reviews, and list of references are provided in the entries of commercially published English language tests. Editions are intended to supplement each other; succeeding volumes include only new or substantially revised tests. The MMY database which is online has an index for all tests. For those who aren't affiliated with U.Va. and can't access the MMY database, you can access an index to MMY called the Mental Measurements Yearbook Test Reviews On-line. This web site provides desciptive information, but does not include the review found in the online database, Mental Measurements Yearbook.
Sex and Gender Issues: A Handbook of Tests and Measures
New York: Greenwood Press, 1990.
BF 692 .B38 1990
Sourcebook of Nonverbal Measures: Going Beyond Words
Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005
Brown Science and Engineering Library P99.5 .S58 2005
Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies
New York: Plenum Press, 1995
RC 473 .P78 S38
Special Education and Rehabilitation Testing
Austin, TX: Pro-ed, 1988.
LC 4019 .S585 1988
Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
Washington, D.C,: American Educational Research Association, 1999
LB 3051 .A693 (Developed jointly by the APA, the American Educational Research Association, and the National Council of Measurements in Education, these standards can be used by test authors, publishers, and users.)
Test Critiques
Kansas City, MO: Test Corporation of America, 1984-2004.
BF 176 .T419 1984
Descriptive information, critical reviews, and list of references are provided in the entries of commercially published English language tests. All volumes have an index. A cumulative index is always published in each new volume.
Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessment in Psychology, Education, and Business
Austin, TX: pro-ed, 2008.
BF 176 .T43 2008
ETS Tests on Microfiche Index
Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 1975-
LB 3051.E792
You can use the TestLink - The Educational Testing Service (ETS) Test Collection database to find tests from this collection. The microfiche test collection itself is located at Shannon Library.
Measures for Clinical Practice ( 2 volumes)
New York, Free Press
BF 176 .C66 2000 and 2007
A collection of actual instruments, specifically selected because they measure the most common problems seen in clinical practice.
*Tests in Print
Lincoln, NE, Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, 1961-.
Ivy Stacks Z 5814 .E9 B8 Health Sciences Library LB1131 M46
* Tests in Print IV and MMY 12 serve as a complete index for MMY 1-12 for all tests still in print. Test in Print I-III indexes various volumes of MMY 1-8 and may refer to tests out of print. For most practical purposes use Test in Print IV and MMY 12.
Z 5814 .E9 B8
Title Index for the Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measurements: Volumes 1-7
Martin Jamison; Chicago:Association of College and Research Libraries, 2001.
BF431 .J29
The links for these books will take you to the Library's catalog record where you will be able to determine the location of the book. If the book is checked out, you will be able to recall it. If the book is an online book, you will be able to access the book using the link in the catalog record.
A conceptual introduction to psychometrics: development, analysis, and application of psychological and educational tests
G.J. Mellenbergh
BF39 .M44 2011
J. Patrick Meyer.
BF39 .M487 2010
Psychological testing : principles and applications
Kevin R. Murphy, Charles O. Davidshofer.
BF176 .M87 2005