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Science, Technology, and Society

A guide for research support for STS classes!

Research Tools

Libkey Nomad

You need to add the Libkey Nomad browser extension. Right now. 

It's called Libkey Nomad and it will make getting to the PDFs of materials you find while searching so. much. easier.

Libkey Nomad  is a browser extension that will link you from where you found something to the UVA Library collection. It's awesome, I don't know how I worked without it.

Seriously. Add it and start using it. 


Zotero: helps you save what you find and cite it

We all have trouble figuring out how to keep track of articles, websites, and the other stuff that make up our research. Zotero helps you do that. Once the browser extension is added, you can save anything you find with a click of the Zotero button. It automatically knows if you're saving a website, book on Virgo, or journal article. And if there's a PDF on the page, it will automatically download the PDF for you. 

It will also create citations for you. Which is great because while citing is a vital and necessary part of academic work, it's also terrible and the worst. The citations are not automatically perfect (it depends on how good the citation information provided is) but it only takes seconds to correct to ensure that your APA citation is perfect every. single. time. 

UVA Library's Guide to Zotero