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Science, Technology, and Society

A guide for research support for STS classes!

Spotting Peer Review

Checking to see if something is peer reviewed can be tricky! Not all academic work is peer-reviewed. It depends! So you always have to check. 

When you find something, checking peer review is all about looking at the requirements of the publisher. Some are super easy and some aren't. So don't feel like you're missing something if you're not sure. Below are a few examples, and then some samples to test your skills. 

This is something that can take a little practice to get the hang of figuring out. If you have any questions or aren't sure, feel free to email me with a link and I'm happy to double check for you!

Is it Peer Reviewed?

Screenshot of article ""Personal Health Records: Definitions, Benefits, and Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Adoption"


Is this example peer reviewed? 


How did I check? I Googled (no really - Googling is fine!) the journal name, went to the About page, and it states that

"JAMIA is AMIA's premier peer-reviewed journal for biomedical and health informatics."

Is it Peer Reviewed?



Is this one peer reviewed? It looks a lot like the last one. But it is not! 

Did the same process of Googling the journal Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law, and according to the about section

"The Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial and Commercial Law was founded in 2005 as a student run business law journal, specializing in corporate, financial and commercial law subjects, including securities and bankruptcy law."

After checking a variety of pages on the journal website, it doesn't mention anything about being peer reviewed. 

Is it Peer Reviewed?



Now this one already look very different. Take a look at the about page for this publication. What do you think?

Is it Peer Reviewed?

Is it Peer Reviewed?


There's a link to the article in the image. What do you think? 

Is it Peer Reviewed?



How about this one?