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HIEU 4502 Europe in the Cold War

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                                                         Keyword = Truman "Cold War"


Use  Journal Finder on the library home page, or at the bottom of the Virgo search screen, to determine our online access for a particular journal title and to search a particular journal's contents.

  • Virgo does not use Boolean connectors, such as and, or between terms.

  • Put a phrase within quotation marks

  • Automatically does stemming of search terms (view, viewer, viewers, viewing)

  • You can further refine search results by using the limiters on the left of the search results screen. For example, clicking on "Special Collections" under "Library" will narrow your results to materials held in Special Collections.

  • Be sure you click on "Start Over" to perform a new search

European Primary Source Documents

Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Report for East Europe or West Europe -- transcripts in English translation of radio broadcasts from European countries, late 1960s-1995. continued by World News Connection from 1995-present.

PrEX 7:10, PrEX 7:18, microfiche, Shannon Library 3rd floor reading room. (Some on microfilm in vy Stacks.)

U.S. Primary Source Documents

ProQuest Congressional provides mostly full-text publications from the U.S. Congress, including testimony from Congressional hearings, legislative histories of laws, reports to Congress, etc.

                   Search:  NATO    Date is Between = Jan 1, 1948 - Dec 31, 1950

                   Search:  "Marshall Plan"    Date is Between = June 1, 1947-Dec 31, 1951

Digital National Security Archive  contains declassified documents used by the U.S. government in conducting foreign policy. The materials are obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. The non-subscription National Security Archive site at George Washington University contains some documents that are not included in the Digital National Security Archive.

               Search Documents:   Keyword = Korea Truman     Date = Jan 1,1948 - Dec 31,1951

Declassified Documents Reference System provides access to collections of declassified documents from the CIA, FBI, presidential libraries, and other agencies, from the 1940's through the 1980's. Put a phrase in single quotes.

                                 Advance Search:   'Berlin blockade'    Issue Date = 1948-1949

Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) , 1932-present. Presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and diplomacy.  Contains documents from the departments of State and Defense, the National Security Council, CIA, presidential libraries, etc.  This searchable online version from the Department of State includes many volumes from the Truman through the Ford administrations. The print volumes are in the Government Information Resources Stacks, Shannon 3rd floor, call number 1.1

Frontline Diplomacy: the Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection Oral history interviews with hundreds of U.S. diplomatic personnel.  Most inteviews cover the late 1940's to the 1990's, with some coverage from the 1920's through World War II. In addition to searching the collection, you can browse by a diplomat's name or by subject.

                                                   Search this Collection = Turkey "Truman Doctrine"

Presidential libraries of most Chief Executives since Harry Truman provide some online documents on their web sites.  This National Archives site points to various presidential library web sites.

The Library has a number of significant microform collections pertaining to International Relations  (CIA Research Reports; Confidential US State Department Central Files; OSS/State Department Intelligence and Research Reports; Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) and United States History (President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Office Files; President Harry S. Truman's Office Files; Harry S. Truman Presidential Oral Histories Collection) as well as filmed collections of Personal Papers (Dean Acheson; Cordell Hull; George C. Marshall; Henry L. Stimson). Microforms are located on Shannon Library 3rd floor and staff in the Government Information Resources department can assist you.

ProQuest Historical Newspapers  Searchable full text backfiles of the New York Times (1851-2006), Wall Street Journal (1889-1991), Chicago Tribune (1849-1986), Los Angeles Times (1881-1986), Washington Post (1877-1992), and Chicago Defender (1910-1975).

              Search NY Times:   Advanced Search = Turkey AND communism AND Truman
                                              Date Range = 1945-1947

Finding Journal Articles

Academic Search Complete A general database of articles from a variety of scholarly journals, popular magazines, and some newspapers. Includes some speeches and interviews.  Especially valuable for reviews of new books that haven't made it to the scholarly journals.

                             Search:   The Man With the Poison Gun limit to Book Review inn Document Type

Historical Abstracts Find articles about the history of the world from 1450 to the present, published in over 2,000 journals from many countries. Includes book reviews. Does not include articles about the US or Canada. For these see America: History & Life.

Can use a wildcard to expand searches: wom?n (for woman or women)

Or truncate: Communis* to search for articles with the keywords Communist or Communism.

Limit search to a specific time period- Search: Catholic* AND Poland 1978 to 1989 to look for articles about the Catholic Church in Poland during the reign of Pope John Paul II.

JSTOR  Full-text backfiles of many important scholarly journals. Coverage is usually from the first issue to 3-5 years before the present.  Current articles are not included.

               Advanced Search:    Germany AND "currency reform" AND post-war  
                                                Item Type = articles    Discipline = Economics, History, Political Science

Book Reviews

For book reviews start with  Virgo's "Article Advanced Search" , with book title in the Title search box. Then select Format:Reviews to limit your results:
Title =  "From Roosevelt to Truman:Potsdam, Hiroshima, and the Cold War"    

Book Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences is a page maintained by library staff to help you find book reviews in the social sciences and humanities.