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HIST 1501: Killing in the Courtroom: War Crimes, Mass Atrocities, and the Law

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                                                   Keyword =  Bosnia "war crimes"

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Finding Scholarly Articles

Finding Contemporary Articles

ProQuest Historical Newspapers Searchable full text backfiles of articles from the New York Times (1851-2007), Wall Street Journal (1889-1991), Chicago Tribune (1849-1986), Los Angeles Times (1881-1986), Washington Post (1877-1992), and the Chicago Defender (1910-1975).
                    Search New York Times:  Advanced Search = "democratic nomination" AND McCarthy
                                                         Date Range = 1967 to 1968

Factiva Articles from over 6,000 newspapers and periodicals, including the Wall Street Journal. Best source for foreign press.

Finding Primary Source Materials

A list of our online databases is found in Virgo at . For information regarding off-Grounds access see

Digital National Security Archive contains declassified documents used by the U.S. government in conducting foreign policy. The materials are obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

                                      Search Entire Document: Keyword= My Lai
                                   Date:  November 12, 1969 - November 17, 1970


Declassified Documents Reference System provides access to collections of declassified documents from the CIA, FBI, presidential libraries, and other agencies, from the 1940's through the 1980's. Put a phrase in single quotes.

                            Conduct same search for My Lai as above ("Anywhere" instead of "entire document") and compare results

Vietnam War and American Foreign Policy, 1960-1975 Includes documents from the Peers Inquiry into the My Lai massacre as well as other primary source material from the CIA,  the State Department, the National Security Council,  and various presidential files, from the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon administrations.  Emphasis is on the Vietnam War but it also includes material about US policy in other regions of the world as well. 


U.S. Government Publications

ProQuest Congressional  provides mostly full-text publications from the U.S. Congress, including testimony from Congressional hearings, legislative histories of laws, reports to Congress, etc.

                      Advanced Search :    Torture   (2003-2006)
                                                       Limit to:  Hearings, Reports, Documents


Department of State Bulletin (1939-1989) includes press releases, official statements of policy, texts of important documents, the U.S. position on issues before the United Nations, articles by department officials, and information about treaties. Continued by the U.S. Department of State Dispatch (1990-1999). After 1993 this material is found on the Department of State web site.

Additional Sources

Vietnam and Southeast Asia, Special Studies, 1960-1980   Micfilm 1448 Online guide to contents Government Information Resources, Shannon 3rd floor.   Research studies by think tanks, government agencies, etc. about the Vietnam war. Includes appraisals of the military's herbicide program, evaluations of the economic and political effects of U.S. bombing in North Vietnam, contemporary evaluations of rural pacification and Vietnamization programs, etc.