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Hispanic Studies Resources Library Dashboard for Graduate Students: Welcome

A Darshboard useful for all UVA Graduate Students researching any aspect of Latin American and/or Iberian Studies


Welcome to the Hispanic Studies Resources Library Dashboard for Graduate Students. This dashboard provides quick links to support your research process in any given topic about Latin American and/or Iberian Studies.
It is designed to respond to the advanced research needs of graduate students. We understand that the reader will know how to carry out basic investigations. 
If not enough resources, you can expand using these LibGuides: Latin American & Iberian Studies | Spanish Language & Literature.
or using any other LibGuide  listed in: Subject LibGuides.

Contact with your Librarian

My name is Miguel Angel Valladares Llata or simply ([MEE] + [GEL])


I am available whenever you have difficulties locating, using, or discovering all kinds of resources that are useful for your research process.

See my Statement of intents

The most immediate way to contact me is through email. I can meet you either by zoom or in person.

Most Relevant Library Services:

Linguistics & Spanish Language

Dissertations & Thesis

Bio-bibliographies & Biographies

Citations Tools & Citing Sources

Obtain basic information here

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Sign up for Library orientations, workshops, and events with our online calendar. UVA Library programming is offered in-person and online.

Search for Academic Articles & Books

Newspapers & News: current news

If you need more news resources, please click this section

Explore Country Statistics & Country Data

About Latin America and Spain: 

Archives: How to locate & research

For more resources, please click in this tab

Primary Sources & Historical Documents

Translation Studies

An open source database:

For more resources, please click in this tab