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Simulating Hurrricane Katrina (Katrinasim)

This guide outlines some resources available for studying and understanding the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

Before You Go to the Library or Go Online...

Organization is the key to effective, efficient research.  Here are some tips to help you save time and energy when doing research and to help you prepare better papers and projects.

  • Make sure you understand the question and what is expected in terms of outcomes for the assignment.  Ask your professors for clarification, if needed.  A few questions early can save lots of frustration and wasted effort later on!  It is never wrong to ask questions, if doing so will help you better understand a problem and how to solve it!
  • Get organized; have a plan.
  • Know what it is you’re really looking for.
  • Write down three or four words that describe what you’re looking for.
  • What kind(s) of information do you need -- books, magazines, web sites, other sources?
  • Systematically check all the places you think may have what you're looking for.
  • If you can’t find what you need, ask a librarian or your professor for help!