Start your research broadly, then narrow down specifically to what you want; don't be too specific too soon
Use single quotes in VIRGO (but not most other databases) to search for phrases
Use the $ truncation symbol to look for all forms of a word
Use the Boolean connectors AND, OR and NOT along with ( ) to improve specificity
Try various combinations of terms and synonyms to insure best coverage
Omit the words A, AN and THE at the beginning of a title in all languages
Search for authors' names in the form LASTNAME FIRSTNAME with no comma
Remember that British English and American English sometimes spell the same word differently (e.g. CENTRE and CENTER) and use different words for the same thing (e.g. PETROL and GASOLINE) -- you must search both ways to find everything
CRL collects unique and little-known humanities, science, and social science documents. The University of Virginia Libraries is a member of CRL and can obtain its materials via interlibrary loan.
Search simultaneously the catalogs of over 70 of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland, plus the British Library and the National Library of Scotland.
This guide is intended as a repository of resources specifically for research using materials produced and collected in other countries. The main resources included here are links to national libraries, national bibliographies and union catalogs. Additional regional resources have been included where appropriate. (San Jose State University Library)