About Literature from Spain:
Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica / José Simón Díaz. Madrid : CISC, 1950, 1983. 16 vol.+ 1 suppl.
Shannon: Z2691 .S5
Manual de bibliografía de la literatura española / José Simón Díaz. 2nd ed. correc. y aumentada. Madrid: Gredos, CSIC, 1960 6 vol. .
Shannon Z2691.S5 1960
Manual de bibliografía de la literatura española / José Simón Díaz. 3rd ed. Madrid: Gredos, 1980. 1 vol.
Shannon Z2691.S5 1980
Manual de bibliografía de la literatura española / José Simón Díaz. 3rd ed. Madrid: CSIC, 1983-1986. 2 vol.
Shannon Z2691.S5 1983
Spanish, Catalan, and Galician Literary Authors of the Twentieth Century: an Annotated Guide to Bibliographies by Zubatsky, David S. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1992.
Shannon Z2691 .A1 Z83 1992
Spanish, Catalan, and Galician literary authors of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : an annotated guide to bibliographies by Zubatsky, David S. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1995.
Shannon Z2691.A1 Z85 1995
Catálogo de novelas y novelistas españoles del siglo XIX / Juan Ignacio Ferreras. Madrid : Ediciones Cátedra, 1979.
Shannon Z2694 .F4 F47
Spanish, Catalan, and Galician literary authors of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : an annotated guide to bibliographies by Zubatsky, David S. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1995.
Shannon Z2691.A1 Z85 1995
Bibliografía de autores españoles del siglo XVIII / Francisco Aguilar Piñal. Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes", 1981. 10 Vol.
Shannon Z2682 .A64 1981
Short-title catalogue of eighteenth-century Spanish books in the British Library London :The British Library, 1994. 3 vol.
Shannon Z2692 .A5
Bibliografía de autores españoles del siglo XVIII / Francisco Aguilar Piñal. Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes", 1981. 10 Vol.
Shannon Reference Z2682 .B78 1994
Spanish literature, 1500-1700 : a bibliography of Golden Age studies in Spanish and English, 1925-1980. Compiled by William W. Moseley, Glenroy Emmons, and Marilyn C. Emmons. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1984
Shannon Z2692 .M67 1984
Repertorios bibliográficos de impresos del siglo XVI : españoles, portugueses e iberoamericanos : con su fórmula abreviada de referencia . / Juan Delgado Casado, Julián Martín Abad. Madrid : Arco/Libros, c1993.
Shannon Z2682 .D45 1993
About Romance Languages:
- The Year's work in modern language studies: London [etc.] b| Modern Humanities Research Association [etc.]
Shannon Refrence PB1 .Y45 | Online version: PAO 1930 to 1994) | JSTOR: 1930-2012 (Vols. 1-72)
Annual publication with extensive bibliographical entries covering Spanish language and literature as a specific section. Literature of various periods and areas are covered as well as general works and works on individual authors, topics and genres.