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An overview for installing, setting up, and using the bibliographic manager Zotero. Based on guide created by Jason Puckett and licensed by Georgia State University Library at

Adding Citation Formats

Zotero has access to over 9,000 different types of citation style. A number of the most common are already included when you download the Zotero App but it's a simple process to add others includes styles for a variety of journals, the American Chemical Society, and more. 

To add a citation style, you'll need to open your "Preferences" in the Zotero App.

Select the tab for "Cite"

  • The list of pre-installed styles will be under Style Manager

Screenshot of the Zotero App Preferences menu with the Cite feature selected to view the Cite options.

You can customize this list several ways.

  • If you'd like you remove a citation style, simply highlight the style in the list and click the minus (-) button. 
  • If you'd like to add a style from a file, you can do this by selecting the plus (+) button and uploading it. [Advanced Only]. 
  • To add a style from Zotero's list of pre-created citation styles, click on the hyperlink for "Get additional styles..." 
    • This will open an new box to Zotero' full listing of citation styles. You can hover the mouse over any listed style to learn more. 
    • To add a style, simply select the one(s) you want to add and click the hyperlink. This will automatically add the style within your list in the Zotero App.