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Library Resources for Department of Economics

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To access top news publications, sign on to Factiva, then click on "News Pages." You'll find the WSJ at the top; keep scrolling for the NYT, WaPo, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Barron's and more. Click on the titles to read the articles or use the drop-down menu to view other sections of the paper.


Literature and Data

  • EconLit International coverage of economics in journal articles, books, dissertations, book reviews. 
  • Business Source Complete Topics such as marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Find articles plus financial data, books, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, market, industry, and country reports, company profiles, and SWOT analyses. 
  • Euromonitor Passport - Data and analysis on consumer markets, industry sectors, consumer lifestyles, companies and brands in over 200 countries – current, historical, and forecast.
  • Factiva Company and business information from Dow Jones; articles from over 6,000 newspapers and periodicals plus news photographs. Select "News pages" to browse daily issues of recent newspapers from many countries; use "Search" to find older articles. Access, provided through VIVA Consortium, is limited to 70 concurrent users. 
  • ICPSR The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) provides a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction. Users may view documentation, download raw data, and search a bibliography of data-related literature. You must create a personal ICPSR account with your email address in order to download data.
  • NBER Working Papers National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) researchers initially report their findings in scientific papers aimed at other professional economists in this searchable database. Nearly 700 NBER Working Papers are published each year.
  • Scopus An abstract and citation database that indexes content from more than 25,000 active titles and 7,000 publishers—all rigorously vetted and selected by an independent review board.
  • Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of preprints and research papers and composed of a number of specialized research networks.
  • Social Science and Humanities Library The Social Science & Humanities Library provides online access to a broad range of journal content across 14 disciplines related to social sciences and humanities, including media and communication studies, library and information science, security and defense studies, business, management and economics, and education. Includes many journals published on behalf of associations, organizations, and societies related to these disciplines.




At the Library

Library Locations & Hours  |  Before you visit, check the Status Dashboard

Library Catalog (Virgo 4) |  Off-Grounds Access Journal Finder |

Course Reserves  |  Purchase Requests  |  COVID-19 Library FAQs