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LibraData User Guide

UVa's Local Instance of the Dataverse Software

Roles & Permissions

Dataverse installation user accounts can be granted roles that define which actions they are allowed to take on specific dataverse collections, datasets, and/or files. Each role comes with a set of permissions, which define the specific actions that users may take. Before you can give permissions, the user must have a UVA Dataverse account.

Roles and permissions may also be granted to groups. Groups can be defined as a collection of Dataverse installation user accounts, a collection of IP addresses (e.g. all users of a library’s computers), or a collection of all users who log in using a particular institutional login (e.g. everyone who logs in with a particular university’s account credentials). Groups can only be created by LibraData administrator, please contact if you need a group set up.


Admins or curators of a dataset can assign roles and permissions to the users of that dataset. If you are an admin or curator of a dataset, then you can get to the dataset permissions page by clicking the “Edit Dataset” button, highlighting “Permissions” from the dropdown list, and clicking “Dataset”.

When you access a dataset’s permissions page, you will see two sections:

Users/Groups: Here you can assign roles to specific users or groups, determining which actions they are permitted to take on your dataset. You can also reference a list of all users who have roles assigned to them for your dataset and remove their roles if you please. Some of the users listed may have roles assigned at the dataverse collection level, in which case those roles can only be removed from the dataverse collection permissions page.

Roles: Here you can reference a full list of roles that can be assigned to users of your dataset. Each role lists the permissions that it offers.


If specific files in your dataset are restricted access, then you can grant specific users or groups access to those files while still keeping them restricted to the general public. If you are an admin or curator of a dataset, then you can get to the file-level permissions page by clicking the “Edit Dataset” button, highlighting “Permissions” from the dropdown list, and clicking “File”.

When you access a dataset’s file-level permissions page, you will see two sections:

Users/Groups: Here you can see which users or groups have been granted access to which files. You can click the “Grant Access to Users/Groups” button to see a box where you can grant access to specific files within your dataset to specific users or groups. If any users have requested access to a file in your dataset, you can grant or reject their access request here.

Restricted Files: In this section, you can see the same information, but broken down by each individual file in your dataset. For each file, you can click the “Assign Access” button to see a box where you can grant access to that file to specific users or groups.