The UVa Library has an extensive collection of journals. The tabs in this section will provide access to scholarly content. See below for links and instructions to popular periodicals:
To access top news publications, sign on to Factiva, then click on "News Pages." You'll find the WSJ at the top; keep scrolling for the NYT, WaPo, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Barron's and more. Click on the titles to read the articles or use the drop-down menu to view other sections of the paper.

When searching for specific journals and/or articles, you can also try the following:
Journal Finder
Use it to search across all our electronic databases and subscriptions to find a particular title. Check dates listed in the results to ensure access to a particular article.
Google Scholar
Search for articles by title. If the content is part of our subscriptions, you usually can access the full text while using the VPN. If you have trouble, check the menu on Google Scholar for "Settings" and under "Library Links," search for "University of Virginia Libraries - Find this@UVA Libraries." Select and save.
Interlibrary Loan
Materials not owned by UVA Libraries can be borrowed from libraries worldwide at no charge. These include articles, books, dissertations, government documents, technical reports, patents, and newspapers on microform. In some cases videos and sound recordings are also available. Requests are usually filled in 3-10 working days; electronic articles will be sent to you via email.