Mapping out Your Progress

- SAGE Research Methods Project Planner - This tool is designed to guide you through your research project. If you're just starting out, it might be helpful to read more about why we do research before getting started, or you can go directly to the stage you're at in your research.
- Data Reference Worksheet - A worksheet for brainstorming places to look for data, containing a grid for organizing literature on the second page. Prepared by librarians at Carlton College.
Cover the Basics
- LinkedIn Learning - Can help you review terms and concepts, from literature reviews to methodology and data analysis. Start with this curated Academic Research Collection.
- Research Software - access and install UVA-licensed software, including SPS, SAS, Ansys, Labview, and Matlab.
- Virtual workshops and events - Join small groups in learning Data preparation in R, Data visualization in R & Python, Introduction to Zotero, and more.
- Consider installing browser plugins to improve your search experience (search for them in your browser's store):
- Google Scholar Button - Access from any webpage, to help finding full text on the web or in your university library.
- Kopernio - When finding an article on any website, Kopernio searches for full text PDFs whether open access or as part of your library's subscriptions.
- Zotero Connector - allows you to save to Zotero directly from your web browser.
VPN for Off-Grounds Access
A VPN scrambles data as it is transmitted between a server and a mobile device (phone or tablet), a desktop computer (at your home), or a laptop computer (when you are traveling). This allows you to access UVa Library resources, including Virgo and databases, as if you were on-grounds. Library subscription databases don't require an individual login to access them. They authenticate through the IP address. Using a VPN ensures that the database "sees" your computer as being on an acceptable IP address. Be sure you are also using the database link that is in this guide, or the Library's A-Z database list.
UVa offers four types of VPNs for accessing UVa resources:
- UVaAnywhere - Provides an off-Grounds connection to resources that normally require you to be on Grounds to use them such as Library resources, the UVA Home Directory Service, the Exchange Server, servers restricted by departments, etc. It provides an on-Grounds IP address for all applications on your computer, thereby protecting all network traffic, whether or not it is Web-based, between your machine and the UVa network.
- UVa More Secure Network (MSN) - The MSN uses a firewall, a network security device designed to help protect your computer from hackers and other malicious people on the Internet. Your computer can make outbound connections to access resources on the internet, but the firewall blocks inbound connections from remote computers.
- Joint VPN - Enables academic users access to resources protected by the highest security using a UVA Identity Token from on- or off-grounds.
- High Security VPN - Enables users access to systems that are approved for handling highly sensitive data using 2-Step Login from on- or off-Grounds.